City of Stirling Library Services

A girl called Samson, Amy Harmon

A girl called Samson, Amy Harmon
Form of composition
not applicable
Format of music
not applicable
Literary text for sound recordings
Main title
A girl called Samson
Responsibility statement
Amy Harmon
In 1760, Deborah Samson is born to Puritan parents in Plympton, Massachusetts. When her father abandons the family and her mother is unable to support them, Deborah is bound out as an indentured servant. From that moment on, she yearns for a life of liberation and adventure. Twenty years later, as the American colonies begin to buckle in their battle for independence, Deborah, impassioned by the cause, disguises herself as a soldier and enlists in the Continental army. Her impressive height and lanky build make her transformation a convincing one, and it isn't long before she finds herself confronting the horrors of war head-on. But as Deborah fights for her country's freedom, she must contend with the secret of who she is -- and, ultimately, a surprising love she can't deny
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